10 events found.
Field Day
Located at the SunUte Park
PAG Family Night
Conche Bells Dinner - Family Potluck
Primary 1 & 3 Field Trip
Primary One and Primary Three field trip to the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Park Leaving at 8:45am and returning at 2:30pm
LE Lemonade Stand
Come enjoy some Lemonade from the Lower Elementary Classrooms.
Transition Ceremony
This will be in the SunUte Gym
Last day of school
Students will be dismissed at noon
Open House
Come join us for SUIMAs Open House. Meet and greet your child's teachers and see there classrooms.
Early Release Wednesdays
School is out at 2 p.m. for early release. Parents will be notified of any changes.
Labor Day – No School
SUIMA will be closed in observance of Labor Day holiday.